Thursday, March 31, 2016

Who's ready for TWD finale this week?

Seems like this season has flown by, and the question on everyone's mind is "who is Negan going to introduce to Lucille?" Also, what will become of our hero, Daryl? So many questions that will (hopefully) be answered on Sunday night. Also, did anyone else wonder if Maggie has miscarried and the baby turned inside her? Was that the cause of her intense pain last week where she doubled over? If the virus is in all of us, and it's no longer remaining dormant after death, would it not be reasonable to assume that a miscarried child would be effected in the same manner as others?

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Who's up for another free book promotion?

My short story Humanity's Last Full Measure will be available for free download Friday 3/25 and Saturday 3/26. Check it out and let me know what you think. 3 additional short stories in the works right now. Hope to have them available soon.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Free book promotion

One day left for the free version of Firsthand Witness to the Fall. Check it out and leave me a review!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Firsthand Witness to the Fall - Available for free download on Saturday and Sunday!

Hey everyone, I had intended on running a five day promotion of my short story Firsthand Witness to the Fall starting today, but didn't get it submitted in time. Instead, it will be free for two days (Saturday and Sunday) and I will run two additional free promotions for my other stories in the coming weeks. Please check it out if you haven't already and leave me some honest feedback. This was my first story to be published.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Future works

What kind of zombie stories would you guys (and gals) like to see in the future? I'm always trying to come up with new ideas to tell a story in a genre that seems to "have seen it all". I know there has to be a lot of original ideas out there. If anyone wants to share one, I might make it my 5th short story or book release.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Get my first book free for a limited time............

Starting Friday, I will run a five day promotion of my first book, Firsthand Witness to the Fall, for free. Check it out and then my other two as well. By the way, got a fourth in the works. (Think George Romero meets Tom Clancy. )

Monday, March 14, 2016

Carol and Maggie

Wow, what a dark episode. Looks like Carol is starting to have a crisis of conscience now that she sees Maggie may be following in her footsteps. Is this a little hint to let us know that she might be the recipient of Lucille's wrath when Negan finally shows up?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Eugene: A man with impeccable timing and taste in t-shirts................

I know I can't be the only one who laughed out loud at Rosita, moments after being kicked to the curb by Abraham, turning to find Eugene looking at her while sporting his "Virginia is for Lovers" t-shirt and eating one of Carol's cookies. All in all, one of the best episodes yet. Rick and gang have no idea the hornet's nest they just kicked. Someone's gonna be meeting Lucille quite soon I believe.......

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Who is Negan going to kill first?

We are all thinking it. Who do you think will be the first to fall to Lucille? Will the show follow the comic? Will it be Abraham? He seemed very melancholy this last episode? Would they dare kill of Daryl or Carol? Your thoughts?